12/18/20: carp

On the night of December 18th, 2020, a curious tweet appeared upon the Twitter timeline. It was a type of tweet that advertisers were able to make, an image with the option to tweet (usually) two options, often used for a type of poll that could get lots and lots of of engagement from people reposting it. But on this, there was only one option. There was only… carp.

Two people on a Twitter timeline tweeting the 'carp' tweet.

Three separate people on a Twitter timeline tweeting the 'carp' tweet, the last one is a retweet.

My entire timeline was carp.

A screenshot of Tweetdeck. 3 tweets in a row simply say 'carp'. The next tweet says 'carp?' The next is a tweet from the author, reading 'So what's the carp thing about?' There are 2 more 'carp' tweets, then one tweet reading 'my whole tl (timeline) is carp.' It ends with 2 more carp tweets.

And this was when I knew I had to understand carp. In the earliest tens of minutes of carp, there were worries— could this steal your information? Was this dangerous? If it did, it was too late for most people, since it was simply too hard to resist the button labeled 'carp'. (There was no risk to this whatsoever. The creator, twitter user dm4uz3, simply used an old advertising tool for fun.)

When you click the "Tweet #carp" button, it brings you to a new tweet screen that, indeed, simply reads "carp" with the connected button for other people to tweet carp. Once you tweet carp, the image changes to a different image of a carp that links to the Wikipedia page for carp.

The original carp tweet, with the second image of the carp.
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

And thus, the memes could begin.

A Marvel meme format. Young Gamora says, 'Did you tweet carp?' Thanos replies, 'Yes.' Young Gamora asks, 'What did it cost?' and Thanos replies with the original image of the carp.
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

A tweet from user route zeros, saying: 'The stages of carp. 1. What the fuck is carp. 2. Carp'
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

A meme posted by Twitter user timepavement. On top of the original carp image, it says, top text 'Go ahead and post me I am' bottom text 'a totally normal fish.' They replied to the post a bit later, presumably after it was retweeted a lot, with 'what happened here'
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

A post from Twitter user weedhitter that says, 'once you click the post button the original carp disappears forever. whats the fucking point of even living. i HATE the new carp, it SUCKS. i want to see the old carp'
Where the tweet would be, but this account has since been suspended. Screenshotted 12/18/20

The "initial moment" of carp lasted for about two hours. It appeared on my timeline first at about , and the posts slowed down around . But oh, there were so many posts. Carp was a beautiful moment we all got to share at the tail end of 2020, an objectively horrible year.

A tweet from user mountain ghosts. '
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

A still image of a gif, posted by user Loyal Lieutenant. It says 'carpenters when the (cut off) see a carp', with a stock image of a carpenter spinning into a stock image of a carp.
It's a gif, you should click this, it's funny. Screenshotted 12/18/20

A tweet from user fussy baby bitch. The text says 'carp'. The image is a meme showing a person at an otherwise busy party, standing in the corner in a party hat. The person has the first carp image overlaid on them, saying 'They don't know I'm the second carp image'.
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

Notably, since the carp post linked to the Wikipedia page for carp, people began editing the page. It was quickly locked so it couldn't be further vandalized by Twitter users having a good time.

A tweet from user Kanojo Thighs. They say
Where the tweet would be, but this account has since been suspended. Screenshotted 12/18/20

Tweet reading
The tweet has since been deleted, which may or may not be connected to the account now being empty. To be safe I blanked out the username. Screenshotted 12/18/20

A tweet showing an image of the carp Wikipedia page, showing that it is locked, with the text 'This article is semi-protected until December 19, 2020 at 14:31 UTC.'
Author is currently locked. Screenshotted 12/18/20

This was, like the Destiel night, a night where I was taking screenshots like crazy. There's 156 files in my carp folder. There were so many memes, so many wonderful moments in the wild realm of carp. And I'm not gonna put all of those on this page, but boy do I need somewhere to put them.

A tweet from user rat dick Ronnie. It's a meme, with text over the original carp image, saying 'Mon dieu… You have posted me…'
Link. Worth noting that almost the entire replies section is just "carp". Screenshotted 12/18/20

A screenshot of my Twitter timeline during the carp event. First tweet is a tweet by ThePatanoiac saying 'Twitter right now' with an image of Magikarp. Second tweet is mikumiku_ebooks tweeting carp. Third tweet is plounce tweeting 'this is the greatest Friday night ever.' The fourth tweet is 'a button that tweets the word carp has done more to improve the quality of discourse on here than any of this 'quote tweets are mandatory' nonsense they've pulled'
Screenshotted 12/18/20

A tweet by The Lotus Yeeter saying 'If you shared carp don't worry about what's in the vaccine'. Under it is a note from Twitter itself, saying 'Looking for up-to-date info on COVID-19?'
Link, although her account is currently locked. This one is good just to remind everyone it was the end of 2020. Screenshotted 12/18/20

A tweet by Saintcake. 'I love people who are like 'wtf is carp' and their next tweet is a carp'
This account has since been deleted. Screenshotted 12/18/20

Tweet by ylissebian. 'mass hysterias of the end of this year have been like. undertale concert on a tuesday night (WONDERFUL time), destielpocalypse on a thursday night (comedy at its fullest), and now carp (carp) on a friday night (carp'
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

Tweet by Knight Moves. It's an edit of a meme about Jeb Bush's political campaign, where a USA election map shows a complete sweep of the votes, except the votes are all for carp.
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

Tweet by Fractal Sudoku. An edit of the Bugs Bunny in a suit meme, where Bugs' face has been replaced with the first carp image. He is saying 'I wish carp a very' and then an image of the second carp picture.
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

Tweet from mgoldst. It's the first picture of the carp with the Golden Ratio pasted on, showing that the back of the carp almost perfectly fits it.
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

Tweet from jadevrisrezi. 'you know dionysian madness. i think whatever’s happening on twitter right now is a form of poseidonian madness.'
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

Tweet from Capras Kisser. It's an edited Ace Attorney screenshot of the first image of the carp as a defendant. Their name is 'carp' and their dialogue is 'carp'.
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

Tweet from Deva Marie. It says 'Logging onto Twitter and—' and then the image is of Flayn from Fire Emblem Three Houses, saying 'The fish…'
Link. Worth noting that this is Flayn's English voice actor. Screenshotted 12/18/20

Tweet from realxtime. The image of the first carp, except the carp itself has been edited out, with only the checkerboard representing transparency left. Text over the image says 'There is no carp. Leave'
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

A tweet from Flipy Dweeb. The image is an edit of the trolley problem, but there's only one path. The conductor is the first carp image, the trolley is the second carp image, and it is on track to run over people labeled 'My Twitter feed'.
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

A tweet from beakfriends. 'not trying to be the fun police but these fun twitter games are always means of gathering data!!!! be careful!!!!!!  putting a carp on your timeline makes you VERY susceptible to phishing'
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

A subplot of carp night was the fact that carp started trending. "Carp" was there, on the sidebar of Twitter.

Carp trending on Twitter with 69.9K Tweets.

An image of the Twitter Trends bar. First is a news article, labeled COVID-19. 'FDA approves Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use in the US.' Right under that is Carp, with 86.6k tweets.

But… suddenly… carp disappeared. No comment was made on it by anyone official, but it seems like it was removed manually. Which is not something I'd ever seen happen before!

Tweet from dm4uz3. It says 'They removed carp from trending manually,' with a discord screenshot of someone with the name Fluorescent saying 'carp trending? shut it down' with an image of a businessman on a phone. People have reacted to this message with 7 'share' emojis.
Link. Yes, this is the original poster. Screenshotted 12/18/20

But it's carp. Carp don't just go away. Carp are everywhere. So people started posting more tweets with #carp, specifically the hashtag, and guess what? That started trending instead.

#carp trending on Twitter with 10.2K Tweets.

United States trends showing #carp at #1, with 14.8k tweets.

And that's about where the story of carp ends. It fizzled out after that single night, but it's remembered fondly by the people who were there. Carp's main legacy is probably that this tweet format has continued to live on.

Tweet from alterego. In the carp format, it says 'fries', with a picture of fries, with a button for you to tweet #fries.
Honestly, I have no idea if this is the original version of this one. Probably not. Screenshotted 12/19/20

Carp was a success, by at least 4 metrics.

Tweet from dm4uz3. 'One hour 45 minutes from posted to credited on Know Your Meme my life is complete' with an image of carp on Know Your Meme.
Link. Screenshotted 12/18/20

For the record, the tweet still exists! You can still tweet carp and experience the tweet itself. However, the creator decided to sell space on the carp tweet for advertising, so now there's other stuff on the post, turning it into a whole new shitpost. The new images on the tweet include Dave and Karkat from Homestuck making out, a square of Peepys from itemlabel (a silly online company primarily selling odd stuffed animals), Kankri from Homestuck in a sailor girl outfit, and an image of some guy on a couch with hard-to-read flaming text that says "Fiery Joker Productions".

The carp tweet, with the above differences laid on top of the original carp image.
Link. Screenshotted 12/23/22

There really wasn't any point to carp. It wasn't even some kind of marketing scheme by some large company, which was something people were more wary of than ever in 2020. It was just carp. It was a fun night we all got to share. I hope I've properly expressed the spirit of Carp Night with this. Sometimes, the Internet is still as fun and whimsical as it has the potential to be.

Created Last Updated
December 23rd, 2022 February 13th, 2024