Demyx & Luxord Name Guesses

Back in 2019, when I was still new to Kingdom Hearts, I made a spreadsheet that listed every single possible option for Demyx and Luxord's names. For context, every Nobody (you know Organization XIII, the guys in the black coats? yeah) has a name that is an anagram of their original self's name plus an X. For example, Roxas is "Sora" scrambled with an X thrown in the middle. We know every Organization member's original name… except for Demyx and Luxord. And it's exciting to try and guess! So here's literally every single anagram of their names.

It's worth noting that a Nobody's name has never started with the same letter as their original name. So while it's not necessarily out of the question that Demyx or Luxord's name would start with a D or L, it's not likely. Those columns are italicized because of this.

Since I exhausted every possible name option in these tables, some of them... are keysmashes. Completely incoherent names are marked in gray, and names that are passable but not good are marked in a teal-blue shade. Green denotes the best options, the brighter the better. (And I added some comments in tooltips, if you see a dotted line you can hover for those!)

Demy I can't lie, the idea of Demyx's Nobody name literally being his original name with an X slapped on the end is hilarious. Edmy Medy Kinda sounds like melody/medley? I guess? Ydem I saw a fantheory claim this was a name and believed them, but I looked it up and got almost no results. While it's possible that it's a typically non-Latin-alphabet name, I don't think it's a likely option for Demyx's actual name.
Deym Edym Meyd Ydme
Dyem Emdy Myde This is another of the most common guesses. I don't really care for it, but it's not out of the question. Ymed
Dyme This is one of the most common guesses, but it starts with a D, so I don't think it's likely. However, it is the best name out of all of these. Emyd I like Emyd the most. It sounds like Emmett, and Demyx looks like an Emmett if I've ever seen one. Myed Ymde
Dmey Eydm Mdye Yedm
Dmye Eymd Mdey Yemd

Luxord has a longer name, and thus more possible anagrams. However, he doesn't have enough vowels in his name for most of them to be viable, so most of these are nonsense.

Luord Ulord Olurd Rulod Dolur There's a country in FE11 (Archanea) named… Dolhr? Some of the fan translations made it "Doluna". That's what Dolur makes me think of. Oh and it sounds like "dollar" I guess.
Luodr Ulodr Oludr Ruldo Dolru
Ludor There was a fan theory based around this name! It's a conjugated form of the Latin word for "to play", which made people guess Luxord would be the player character of KHUx. He wasn't, though. Uldro Oldur Can you IMAGINE if they just named him. Older Rudol This is my personal guess! It sounds the best, and is similar to a real name (Rudolph). Dorlu Reminds me of "drill", romanized for Japanese. And by that I mean it reminds me of the Digimon named Dorulumon.
Ludro Uldor Oldru Rudlo Dorul This is Dorulumon.
Lurdo Ulrod Olrdu Ruodl Dourl
Lurod Ulrdo Olrud Ruold Doulr
Lorud Udrol Ourld Rolud Dulor
Lordu Udrlo Ourdl Roldu Dulro
Lodru Udlro Oudrl Rodlu Durlo
Lodur Udlor Oudlr Rodul Durol
Loudr Why do so many of these options resemble real words? Udorl Ouldr Rould I don't like this one, but I kept seeing it be brought up. I guess it sounds like "rolled", like dice? Duorl
Lourd Reminds me of "lard". Means "heavy" in French. Udolr Oulrd Roudl Duolr
Lroud Urdol Orlud Rluod Droul I just don't think a fancy guy like Luxord would be named "drool".
Lrodu Urdlo Some of these sound like Bugsnax names. Orldu Rludo Drolu
Lrudo Urlod Ordul Sounds like "order". Rlduo Drulo
Lruod Urldo Ordlu Rldou Druol
Lrdou Urold ur old lol Orudl Rloud Drlou "Dr. Lou" comes up regularly as a joke. It's pretty funny.
Lrduo Urodl Oruld Rlodu Drluo
Ldrou Uordl Odlru Rdoul Dlour
Ldruo Uorld Odlur Rdolu Dloru
Ldoru Uodrl Odurl Rdulo Dluro
Ldour Uodlr Odulr Rduol Dluor
Lduro Uoldr Odrlu Rdlou Dlrou
Lduor Uolrd Odrul Rdluo Dlruo

Created Last Updated
April 5th, 2023 February 13th, 2024