Pokémon Go: Buddyquest
In very late 2019, Niantic released a new feature in Pokémon Go: the updated Buddy System. Instead of just saying you have a buddy, and it being able to give you candy, your Pokémon could now join you on the map! It rules, I'm so happy they added this, it's so cute.
At the same time, they added progression to buddies. If you get your buddy to the highest level possible, they got a ribbon! And unlike Lucky Pokémon, where only you know if they're lucky, it won't show up in gyms or anything… these do. And thus, my quest to seek Best Buddies started.
I originally intended this to be a compilation of every Best Buddy I'd ever seen, on the internet or in the game itself, but I found out that already exists. So now, this is an archive of all the Best Buddies I've seen, personally, in-game.
Every username is blanked out to the best of my ability. I don't want these to be traceable, since Pokémon Go is so heavily tied to real-world locations. Pokémon are in approximate dex order, except that evolutionary lines are sorted to be by each other.
08/31/23 update: As it turns out... there's a way to make Best Buddies within 2 weeks, as opposed to my previous estimate that it takes about 3 months. That's probably where at least some of the newer ones are coming from. I haven't tried it yet, but I want to, so I guess I'll update this page when I have news on that.
(Also, note: Neocities has a tendency to load images slowly if there's too many on one page, like this one. Broken images are not my fault this time! Refresh and they should load properly.)

#001, Bulbasaur
Honestly, kind of a surprise!
But very cute.
Added 08/16/24

#003, Venusaur
I cheered when I saw this. The final Kanto starter!! The ribbon placement is a bit awkward. I love it.
Added 03/17/24

#003, Venusaur (Purified, Shiny)
And now another one!
Added 08/16/24

#003, Venusaur (Clone)
Did you know the First Movie clone starters are in Pokémon Go? They've only been released, like, twice, but they're there. I don't see them very often, despite how cool they are, but finally, here's a Best Buddy one.
Added 09/16/24

#006, Charizard
I've seen a lot of Best Buddy Charizards around. I want one of my own…
Added 02/05/23

#006, Charizard (Shiny, Party)
I gotta be real, this is a dream buddy. I want this so bad. But alas, I didn't get a shiny party hat Charmander...
Added 08/16/24

#007, Squirtle
Added 06/28/24

#008, Wartortle
I'm surprised that the first Kanto starter line I've "finished" is Squirtle! But it's almost certainly because of the sunglasses. Who can resist the Squirtle Squad?
Added 06/28/24

#009, Blastoise
I'm so glad this person went with the glasses.
Added 02/05/23

#009, Blastoise (Shadow)
Added 11/13/24

#010, Caterpie
Added 02/05/23

#021, Spearow
Big surprise on this one!
Added 06/28/24

#025, Pikachu (British)
Was honestly surprised to see a Best Buddy Pikachu! Although it's shiny and costumed, so I suppose it makes sense. Officially, this is the World Championships 2022 Pikachu, but it took place in London that year, so my name is technically right.
Added 11/04/23

#025, Pikachu (Witch)
Another shiny, costumed Pikachu buddy! I... think this is the same person as the British Pikachu? Cool!
Added 02/19/24

#025, Pikachu (Witch, Non-shiny)
Oh, and another one!
Added 10/18/24

#025, Pikachu (TCG)
This one's from a different person! Cute.
Added 05/21/24

#025, Pikachu (Luffy)
I gotta assume this person's a One Piece fan. Sidenote, it's very funny to me that the English release of this Pikachu cut the context that it's an explicit One Piece crossover.
Added 06/28/24

#025, Pikachu (Ruby)
Another hit from the same guy who brought you the witch hat & British Best Buddy Pikachu! Seems to have fantastic shiny luck.
Added 10/18/24

#026a, Alolan Raichu
Super cute!! Does make me realize I haven't seen a regular Best Buddy Raichu, though...
Added 08/16/24

#033, Nidorino (Party)
This is Jamborino the Party Hat Nidorino!! They released these alongside Party Hat Gengar, in reference to the RB opening. And I think that's absolutely wonderful. Also I'm proud of his name. A beloved little guy.
Added 03/24/24

#038a, Alolan Ninetales
It's always wild to see Best Buddies in the Battle League. You KNOW these guys are loved.
Added 02/05/23

#038a, Alolan Ninetales (Shadow)
There's a Buddy Ninetales in a gym! I love how Shadow A!Ninetales looks, like a cruel ice queen...
Added 05/21/24

#039, Jigglypuff
Added 10/18/24

#169, Crobat
Exciting to see!! I love shiny Crobat, too, such good colors.
Added 03/30/24

#045, Vileplume
The ribbon matches the flower!
Added 07/29/23

#047, Parasect
This is Tandem! I named her after a bagel shop, back in 2016 when I caught her. I've stayed very attached to her after all these years, since I caught her when it was really weird to see evolved Pokémon in the wild… and now she's a Best Buddy! (Also, her ribbon is clipping a little.)
Added 02/11/23

#049, Venomoth
A fun bug!! From the same person who brought Best Bud Beautifly.
Added 05/21/24

#049, Venomoth (2)
And... this person has 2 Best Buddy Venomoth. That's dedication. I respect their commitment to moths and butterflies.
Added 06/28/24

#053, Persian
Added 11/13/24

#863, Perrserker
Added 02/05/23

#054, Psyduck
Added 06/28/24

#979, Annihilape
There it is! I've been expecting these to pop up since they got released.
Added 06/28/24

#058, Growlithe
Added 06/28/24

#059, Arcanine
Added 02/05/24

#059, Arcanine (Shiny Shadow)
Added 06/28/24

#059h, Hisuian Arcanine
Added 08/16/24

#059h, Hisuian Arcanine (Shiny)
I know it's a little overkill to have 4 entire Arcanine on the page, but they're cool.
Added 08/16/24

#065, Alakazam
Um, I took a screenshot of another Best Buddy Alakazam, thinking it was new, and had completely forgotten it was already on the page. Huh. I updated the screenshot anyway.
Added 02/05/23

#068, Machamp
Added 02/05/23

#072, Tentacool
A nearby player has apparently made it a goal to make Best Buddies out of as many shadow shinies as possible. Which I appreciate!
Added 08/16/24

#076, Golem
This is the first time I've looked at a Best Buddy and gone "well, I probably already have this, but I'll get a screenshot anyway," and then I hadn't actually seen one yet. Huh.
Added 09/16/24

#076a, Alolan Golem
Added 11/04/23

#078g, Galarian Rapidash
That's... the best spot you could put the ribbon? Really?
Added 11/04/23

#079, Slowpoke (2020)
I almost missed this, I'm so glad I didn't. It's in the 0!!
Added 05/06/24

#080g, Galarian Slowbro
Added 08/16/24

#199g, Galarian Slowking
A surprising one, I gotta say! Makes sense, though, since you have to have it as your buddy to evolve it.
Added 02/05/23

#462, Magnezone
Added 02/05/23

#865, Sirfetch'd
Added 04/28/24

#087, Dewgong
Saw this one in the same gym as the Walrein and Marill on this page, I'm still really excited about that. Absolute jackpot of a gym for this page.
Added 03/03/24

#089a, Alolan Muk
There wasn't a very good angle on this guy, but I loved seeing them anyway. Wonderful weirdo.
Added 07/29/23

#094, Gengar
A barrette!
Added 02/05/23

#094, Gengar (Sushi)
Very cute! This is Shiny, too, if you can tell.
Added 06/28/24

#208, Steelix
Another barely-visible-from-the-front barrette. Oh well.
Added 02/05/24

#097, Hypno
This is like... way up there on the list of weirdest Best Buddies I've seen. I have to assume this person got it to Best Buddy status because it's a shiny shadow? Also I love that the ribbon hides itself in Hypno's neck fluff.
Added 07/29/23

#103, Exeggutor
Another one I expected to see someday, since Exeggutor actually has pretty high CP for a Grass-type.
Added 06/28/24

#103a, Alolan Exeggutor
I can't believe I saw this one. Hilarious. Wonderful. 10/10.
Added 02/05/23

#104, Cubone
Another shiny shadow! Very cute.
Added 05/21/24

#463, Lickilicky
Ah, a Baron Alberto fan!
Added 07/29/23

#463, Lickilicky (#2)
I want it to be known that there's two, visibly separate, Best Buddy Lickilickies in my general area.
Added 03/17/24

#112, Rhydon
Probably unevolved to fit CP requirements in Battle League, if I had to guess.
Added 02/05/23

#464, Rhyperior
I've seen quite a few of these.
Added 02/05/23

#440, Happiny
The littlest girl!
Added 07/29/23

#113, Chansey
Added 02/05/23

#242, Blissey
I see these and Chansey constantly. I've seen every possible variant of Chansey and Blissey with Best Buddy ribbons.
Added 02/05/23

#465, Tangrowth
Another fun surprise! I realized while editing this that I think Tangrowth's lil face is very funny and charming.
Added 11/13/23

#115, Kangaskhan
Added 02/27/23

#230, Kingdra
Added 07/29/23

#122g, Galarian Mr. Mime
Added 08/16/24

#123, Scyther
Added 02/05/23

#212, Scizor
Added 02/05/23

#212, Scizor (Shiny Shadow)
Shoutout also to the Best Buddy Conkeldurr in the foreground here.
Added 06/28/24

#466, Electivire
Much more visible than Magmortar's!
Added 04/16/23

#126, Magmar
Added 09/16/24

#467, Magmortar
It's so hard to see the ribbon…
Added 02/05/23

#128, Tauros
Added 11/04/23

#130, Gyarados
A very common best buddy, since Magikarp needs so much candy to evolve.
Added 02/05/23

#131, Lapras
This is my mom's! Lapras is her favorite Pokémon.
Added 02/05/23

#131, Lapras (Bow)
The badge got moved up a little to accommodate the bow! Also, this is from the same guy with at least 2 best bud costumed Pikachu.
Added 05/21/24

#132, Ditto
Added 02/05/23

#133, Eevee
Finally, an Eevee to go with the Eeveelutions!! Very cute.
Added 08/16/24

#134, Vaporeon
I really enjoy the weird placement on the fin. It's fun.
Added 02/05/23

#135, Jolteon
And now, I'm just waiting on Flareon...
Added 08/16/24

#196, Espeon
Added 02/05/23

#196, Espeon (Shiny)
Someone loves Espeon's neon green shiny!
Added 09/16/24

#197, Umbreon
Added 02/05/23

#470, Leafeon
I saw two of these within a month! But this shiny, flowered one is more fun.
Added 08/31/23

#470, Leafeon (Behatted)
Added 10/18/24

#471, Glaceon
Added 02/05/24

#700, Sylveon
One of the most common Best Buddies, and another buddy evolution! Not a surprise, especially with Sylveon's sheer popularity.
Added 02/05/23

#700, Sylveon (Shiny Flower)
An unnecessary addition to the page, but too cute to justify ignoring.
Added 06/28/24

#233, Porygon2
Their name is Morris!
Added 11/13/24

#474, Porygon-Z
I could've sworn I already had this on the page. But I didn't?
Added 11/13/23

#142, Aerodactyl
You'll notice that this is an extremely weird screenshot. This is because… the Best Buddy ribbon was only visible from a very specific angle? Because Aerodactyl's jaw was blocking it from view otherwise? And this is the best screenshot I got.
Added 04/16/23

#446, Munchlax
Just a lil guy!
Added 02/05/24

#143, Snorlax
Added 02/05/23

#143, Snorlax (Cowboy)
This felt like an important enough difference to put on the page. Anyway, why is the ribbon placement slightly different from regular Snorlax's?
Added 02/19/24

#143, Snorlax (Sleepy)
Added 06/28/24

#147, Dratini
Surprised I saw one of these before a Dragonair, honestly.
Added 05/21/24

#149, Dragonite
Added 02/05/23

#149, Dragonite
Say hello to Litehaus! She's an XXL Dragonite I caught in the wild, just, randomly, in the middle of the night. I love her. I wanna use her to compare ribbon placement on XXL Pokémon as opposed to regular-sized Pokémon.
Added 02/05/24

#150, Mewtwo
I replaced this image during an update (07/29/23), and then realized that my cousin has two Best Buddy Mewtwo. One shiny, one shadow. Huh.
Added 02/05/23

#151, Mew
Added 09/16/24

#157, Typhlosion
Added 08/31/23

#160, Feraligatr
Added 04/28/24

#168, Ariados
This is Cottoncandy! I, uh, caught 4 shiny Spinarak in one day once (it was Go Fest or something), and Cottoncandy was the first of those I caught, and later evolved. I think shiny Ariados is adorable, so of course I made him a buddy!
Added 06/28/24

#468, Togekiss
Added 02/05/23

#181, Ampharos
Another Best Buddy I'm surprised I didn't see sooner. Cute! I like that the ribbon is gigantic.
Added 04/28/24

#183, Marill
Added 03/03/24

#184, Azumarill
Only saw this once, in the Battle League. But there's gotta be more of them, they're so cute… Finally saw another one, added 08/16/24!
Added 02/05/23

#185, Sudowoodo
Added 09/16/24

#430, Honchkrow
This is... my dad's buddy! He has a whole collection of dark-type Best Buddies.
Added 07/29/23

#429, Mismagius
Added 02/05/23

#201, Unown G
I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I was to see a Best Buddy Unown in the wild. The ribbon floats!
Added 07/29/23

#201, Unown X
God, I hope I see more of these. What a delight they are.
Added 07/29/23

#202, Wobbuffet
While going through screenshots for this page, I realized that there's a player nearby who has TWO Best Buddy Wobbuffet, one male and one female. Huh. Good for them.
Added 02/05/23

#210, Granbull
Another one I wouldn't expect to see!
Added 08/16/24

#904, Overqwil
They're a raid evolution and they take forever, I still don't have one, but I was still surprised to see a Best Buddy. Look how much space on the screen they take up. I love it.
Added 07/29/23

#213, Shuckle
Added 11/04/23

#213, Shuckle (Shadow)
Sometimes, the expression change really makes the Shadow Pokémon.
Added 05/06/24

#214, Heracross
In the time between me seeing this Heracross and adding it to the page, I saw a second Best Buddy Heracross, and that one was female. Similar to Wobbuffet, weirdly enough! But it was two different people this time. Wild that I saw them for the first time within a few days of each other.
Added 04/16/23

#214, Heracross (Shiny)
There's something delightful about how the shiny coloration matches the ribbon.
Added 05/06/24

#461, Weavile
Added 05/06/24

#903, Sneasler
This was right next to a shiny Weavile! Also, I think the smallness of the ribbon leaves something to be desired.
Added 05/06/24

#903, Sneasler (Shiny)
I think shiny Hisuian Sneasel is one of the best shinies in the game. Sneasler is pretty good too.
Added 06/28/24

#216, Teddiursa
Added 08/16/24

#217, Ursaring
I bet more Best Buddy Ursaluna are gonna start popping up…
Added 02/05/23

#901, Ursaluna
There they are! Weird that there's too much stuff on the face and the ribbon gets pushed to become an... earring?
Added 07/29/23

#473, Mamoswine
Added 02/05/23

#222, Corsola
Added 05/21/24

#229, Houndoom
This Houndoom is purified, which is why the ribbon looks a little weird.
Added 02/05/23

#234, Stantler (Sleigh Bells)
Almost missed this due to the ribbon being slightly obscured!
Added 05/21/24

#241, Miltank
Now this was a surprise. This person's username had "cow" in it, so I gotta assume they like cows.
Added 07/29/23

#246, Larvitar
Added 06/28/24

#248, Tyranitar
Added 02/05/23

#250, Ho-Oh
Added 02/05/23

#254, Sceptile
Added 02/05/23

#260, Swampert
Added 02/05/23

#260, Swampert (Shiny)
Added 10/18/24

#862, Obstagoon
The ribbon placement on the arm is so fun.
Added 07/29/23

#265, Wurmple
Partywurm is one of my own Best Buddies, and I love her so much. Her power is incalculable
Added 02/05/23

#267, Beautifly
An absolute shock, honestly. I was SO excited to see this. I think this might be from the same person with the Best Buddy Lickilicky? Thank you for your service.
Added 04/28/24

#282, Gardevoir
I've seen two of these! One was purified, this one isn't. Kinda surprised it took that long.
Added 07/29/23

#475, Gallade
Added 02/05/24

#286, Breloom
Added 02/05/23

#287, Slakoth
Honestly, kinda surprised I didn't see a Slakoth with a visor first.
Added 11/13/24

#289, Slaking
Slaking is one of the highest-CP Pokémon in Go that isn't a legendary, so you see them in gyms a lot.
Added 02/05/23

#295, Exploud
This is such a weird one! I was very excited to see it.
Added 02/05/23

#302, Sableye
Another one of my Dad's buddies! He has a bunch of Dark-type buddies.
Added 11/13/23

#302, Sableye (Shiny Halloween)
Added 06/28/24

#306, Aggron
Surprised it took me so long to see one of these! I guess they've been outclassed in the past few years.
Added 11/04/23

#407, Roserade
Added 07/29/23

#321, Wailord
Added 02/05/23

#324, Torkoal
This was a real surprise! I didn't think anyone liked Torkoal that much.
Added 11/04/23

#327, Spinda
Did you know there's a few Pokémon Go-exclusive Spinda patterns? Now you do!
Added 02/05/24

#331, Cacnea
A really fun one! Uniquely challenging to get a good screenshot of. Cacnea moves around a lot, which obscures the ribbon, and that's not even accounting for the way the shadows move...
Added 05/21/24

#334, Altaria
A slightly better angle of Altaria's barrette. This specific one was in this gym for... about 40 days? I guess no one wanted to go there in the cold.
Added 02/05/23

#335, Zangoose
Added 02/05/23

#350, Milotic
Surprised I didn't see this sooner, too. Another 'friendship' evolution.
Added 07/29/23

#354, Banette
A friend's buddy I missed on my first sweep of screenshots! Her name is Best Girl.
Added 03/31/23

#359, Absol
Added 02/05/23

#365, Walrein
Considering I saw this with the Dewgong... I wonder if whatever group of people who put them in the same gym really like seals? That's cute.
Added 03/03/24

#371, Bagon
I got a Bagon to Best Buddy status, who I then evolved into...
Added 06/28/24

#372, Shelgon
I really love Shelgon, I think they're adorable, I have such a fondness for them. So now, not only have I completed the Best Buddy Salamence line, I have a wonderful round guy to put in gyms!
Added 06/28/24

#373, Salamence
In the same tier as, like, Gyarados and Tyranitar as common Gym Pokémon. They're big strong dragons!
Added 07/29/23

#375, Metang
Added 02/05/23

#376, Metagross
Another best buddy I see a lot of.
Added 02/05/23

#380, Latias
Added 02/05/23

#387, Turtwig (Lucas)
This is Kouki, which is the male Sinnoh protag's Japanese name! This costume was available for, like, one day, alongside the Sinnoh starters in Dawn's hat. I didn't actually realize I was completing the Turtwig line with him, but I'm happy to. I love Turtwig.
Added 10/18/24

#388, Grotle
A surprise I found on my friends list! Very cute.
Added 11/13/23

#389, Torterra
This guy's SO cute. I want one of my own…
Added 02/05/23

#392, Infernape
Infernape was apparently very popular in the Sinnoh era, so I'm surprised it took me this long to see a Best Buddy.
Added 08/16/24

#398, Staraptor
There might be two of these in my area? Wild.
Added 02/05/23

#403, Shinx
This is Tuxedo! A lucky catch after a raid, now a best friend. My favorite dapper young lad.
Added 02/05/23

#405, Luxray
Added 02/05/23

#408, Cranidos
Added 02/05/23

#409, Rampardos
Added 02/05/23

#426, Drifblim
The ribbon is SO BIG on this guy, I love it.
Added 02/05/23

#428, Lopunny
The ribbon placement is like this because the place it'd typically go is covered up. But I don't like it.
Added 02/05/23

#434, Stunky
This is not my buddy, this is my dad's! I asked him to send me a screenshot because he's planning to evolve it and I know I'll never see this again.
Added 11/13/23

#435, Skuntank
And there's the evolution. If I ever see a 2nd one of these, I will be shocked.
Added 06/28/24

#435, Skuntank (A 2nd One)
Oh...! Huh.
Added 08/16/24

#441, Chatot
Added 06/28/24

#442, Spiritomb
This was so funny and delightful that I couldn't just choose one of my screenshots. I saw the ribbon's weird behavior and knew I had to get a video to put on the site. I adore that it's completely static and clipping into the trainer. Wonderful buddy.
Added 11/04/23

#443, Gible
Added 02/05/23

#444, Gabite
Added 11/04/23

#445, Garchomp
Another very common sight.
Added 02/05/23

#447, Riolu
A total surprise!! This lil guy was almost entirely hidden behind bigger Pokémon.
Added 03/17/24

#448, Lucario
Added 02/05/23

#450, Hippowdon (Female)
I got 2 angles of Hippowdon (zoomed-in and not) and neither were especially good. Oh well.
Added 02/19/24

#450, Hippowdon (Male)
Two of them!
Added 04/28/24

#460, Abomasnow
THIS is a real surprise! I've never known anyone to like Abomasnow this much. Good for this guy!
Added 02/05/23

#497, Serperior
I can't believe I saw all the Unova starters as Best Buddies before I saw a Best Buddy Venusaur.
Added 02/05/24

#500, Emboar
Added 08/31/23

#503, Samurott
Added 02/05/23

#508, Stoutland
Added 10/18/24

#512, Simisage
Added 09/16/24

#526, Gigalith
I've been considering making my beloved perfect-IV Gigalith a Best Buddy myself! I love them, I was glad to see one in the wild.
Added 07/29/23

#530, Excadrill
Added 02/05/24

#534, Conkeldurr
I've seen 2 of these, one shiny and one not. Makes sense, they're basically raid-only so of course people made them buddies to get more candies.
Added 07/29/23

#544, Whirlipede
My first Best Buddy, my good friend Wheel! I love her. No, I'm not evolving her. She's so funny like this.
Added 02/05/23

#553, Krookodile
This one was an absolute pain to get screenshots of. The ribbon is hidden by its long snout in the front view from the gym, so I had to battle them to get a usable screenshot. But I did it!
Added 10/18/24

#555, Darmanitan
Added 07/29/23

#560, Scrafty
Added 02/05/23

#563, Cofagrigus
This one is technically cheating in the rules, because this is my mom's screenshot! She was on a work trip and sent me this screenshot of a gym, and I noticed a Best Buddy Cofagrigus in there. Thanks, Mom!
Added 04/16/23

#564, Tirtouga
Honestly, I don't know how I noticed this one.
Added 02/05/23

#567, Archeops
A few weeks ago, I made a comment like "there have been a lot of Archeops in gyms recently, I hope I see a Best Buddy one soon." And I did!
Added 05/21/24

#571, Zoroark
I expected to see this one eventually, but it was still exciting!
Added 05/06/24

#571, Zoroark (Shiny)
Not necessary to add to the page, but very pretty, so it's worth it.
Added 08/16/24

#581, Swanna
Their name is Beelzeduck.
Added 09/16/24

#595, Joltik
Unbelievably exciting. It's SO tiny. This is something I would do.
Added 05/06/24

#604, Eelektross
I only managed to notice this because I'm dedicated to the Best Buddy cause. It's too bad the angle isn't better, but I appreciate this person who loves their Eelektross. Maybe they're a Subway Masters fan.
Added 07/29/23

#609, Chandelure
Added 02/05/23

#610, Axew
Added 02/05/23

#612, Haxorus
Added 02/05/23

#620, Mienshao
This is Chi! I initially made her my buddy to get candy to evolve her, but by the time I could, she had so many buddy points that I figured it'd be fun to finish the job.
Added 11/04/23

#621, Druddigon
Shiny Druddigon is so pretty. I love seeing them in gyms in general.
Added 07/29/23

#630, Mandibuzz
Another huge surprise, another best buddy I look at and go "oh, I'm never gonna see one of these again."
Added 11/04/23

#630, Mandibuzz (Non-Shiny)
Oh! I guess I did! Wild.
Added 08/16/24

#633, Deino
Updated this image (05/21/24) to actually be my own Best Buddy Deino, Shoka! She's named for the NTWEWY character, of course.
Added 02/05/23

#634, Zweilous
With so many of these, I have the first and final stages of the line, but not the middle. Thank god Zweilous is at least here.
Added 02/05/23

#635, Hydreigon
This one's pretty common, too.
Added 02/05/23

#636, Larvesta
Added 02/27/24

#637, Volcarona
I saw this only, like, a few weeks after their release in Pokémon Go. How?
Added 08/31/23

#643, Reshiram
Another screenshot from my dad. Thanks, Dad!
Added 02/05/24

#644, Zekrom
Added 02/05/23

#655, Delphox
Didn't expect to see one of these before Greninja! The colors fit perfectly.
Added 11/04/23

#658, Greninja
I got this screenshot from my dad (again) and realized... this ribbon isn't visible from the front at all. I may well have seen a Best Buddy Greninja but been unable to tell because the tongue-scarf hides the ribbon. What a shame.
Added 03/03/24

#665, Spewpa
This is Confetti! Named for Spewpa's 'attacking' animation. I think they're cute, and I needed more Scatterbug candy, so this seemed like a fun solution. He's very tiny in gyms, but I love him anyway.
Added 08/31/23

#666, Vivillon (Polar)
The person who has this one got it within, like… a month? How. Also, the ribbon is WAY too tiny…
Added 02/05/23

#666, Vivillon (Marine)
From the same person who brought you Best Buddy Beautifly and Venomoths.
Added 06/28/24

#671, Florges
Added 06/28/24

#673, Gogoat (Shiny)
Uh... Gogoat are currently event-only, and have only shown up in paid events outside my region. So this player had to travel for this. This is the first time I'd ever even seen a Shiny Gogoat in Go.
Added 10/18/24

#674, Pancham
Added 02/05/23

#675, Pangoro
These two actually aren't the same Pancham! Pancham is another buddy evolution, so it makes sense that a bunch of them got to Best Buddy status.
Added 02/05/23

#677, Espurr
Added 06/28/24

#683, Aromatisse
This was a fun one to see! I love this shiny, too.
Added 08/31/23

#688, Binacle
Huh! Interesting.
Added 06/28/24

#691, Dragalge
Added 05/06/24

#694, Helioptile
Added 08/16/24

#697, Tyrantrum
Added 02/05/23

#699, Aurorus
I like that this screenshot makes it look like the ribbon is the Kabutops'.
Added 08/16/24

#701, Hawlucha
Added 02/05/24

#706, Goodra
It's a shame the ribbon is barely visible from the front.
Added 02/05/23

#710, Pumpkaboo (Behatted)
Added 08/16/24

#713, Avalugg
Another surprise! I think the Bergmite line is adorable, but they're not brought up much. So this was a big surprise to see! I love it.
Added 04/16/23

#715, Noivern
Added 02/05/23

#727, Incineroar
Added 11/04/23

#730, Primarina
Added 11/04/23

#733, Toucannon
This may look lower-quality than the others, and that's because... Toucannon is extremely zoomed-out in gyms? I dunno why that is. This is the best I could do.
Added 11/04/23

#738, Vikavolt
Added 02/05/24

#741, Oricorio (Pom-Pom)
Added 10/18/24

#745, Midnight Lycanroc
This is Moonstruck! I raised her to Best Buddy status on a whim. She's so fun.
Added 02/05/23

#758, Salazzle
Another extremely zoomed-out Pokémon.
Added 03/30/24

#760, Bewear
Added 07/29/23

#763, Tsareena
Seen right around Bounsweet Community Day! Cool.
Added 06/28/24

#767, Wimpod
I love Wimpod so much they're so cute. Baby
Added 07/29/23

#768, Golisopod
I was SO HAPPY to see this one. I love Golisopod. What a sweetheart.
Added 02/11/23

#770, Palossand
Can you see it? No? I almost didn't. It's on the shovel, right under the heart, and gets covered by the heart when it's animated. I don't think that's what I would've gone with.
Added 05/21/24

#784, Kommo-o
Added 02/05/23

#809, Melmetal
Added 02/05/23

#832, Dubwool
It's so funny that there's (currently) more Paldean Pokémon on this page than Galarian Pokémon. And that that's also true in Pokémon Go itself...
Added 11/13/24

#889, Zamazenta
Added 02/05/23

#893, Zarude
Added 11/04/23

#908, Meowscarada
Shame that they're behind a Tyranitar.
Added 06/28/24

#914, Quaquaval
Quaquaval got some hate when it was first introduced, so I'd like to go on the record and say I love this guy. Absolutely delightful Pokémon. I support them.
Added 06/28/24

#923, Pawmot
Wow, that ribbon is tiny.
Added 11/13/23

#935, Charcadet
Added 09/16/24

#936, Armarouge
The ribbon's on the helmet! Really blends in.
Added 06/28/24

#937, Ceruledge
Added 08/16/24

#965, Varoom
I wish the eyes were visible. This is a problem with a lot of front-facing Pokémon... anyway, I guess this person hasn't gotten enough candy to evolve this guy yet.
Added 05/21/24

#971, Greavard
So... the ghostliness isn't intentional. Greavard is another Pokémon that's zoomed out really far in gyms, and thus, the screenshot I got of Luffy Pikachu actually gave me a better shot of Best Buddy Greavard than zooming in on Greavard itself did.
Added 06/28/24

#975, Cetitan
I love this evo line! Wonderful to see.
Added 10/18/24

#996, Frigibax
Now to hope for an Arctibax!
Added 08/16/24

#998, Baxcalibur
Again, someone got this done very quickly. Sidenote, a lot of the more recent additions to Pokémon Go have really nice idle poses?
Added 02/05/24

#999, Gimmighoul (Roaming)
There is no way I would've seen this if I wasn't so dedicated to the Best Buddy cause. Very silly. Absolutely microscopic.
Added 10/18/24

#1000, Gholdengo
Yeahhhh!!! I still don't have one of these in Pokémon Go.
Added 04/28/24
Created | Last Updated |
February 5th, 2023 | November 13th, 2024 |